Prepago Prepay done right.

Prepago, founded in 2012 utilizes software that connects networked metering in to consumers hands directly, and in a meaningful way. We understand the difficulties faced by energy companies looking to innovate and offer customers what they want within the changing and challenging regulatory requirements.

We understand the metering requirements and the power and energy industry regulatory environment in the Europe and the US.

We provide a fully managed service which allows you to meet all Data Protection legal requirements.

This is a challenge we understand probably better than most. This company is built from the experience of setting up a separate parallel meter network when a prepay option was not previously available.

We know prepay, understand the requirements and empower Utilities deliver the solutions best suited to them. We understand the challenges; arrears management, controlling credit lines and removing risks in competitive markets.

Prepago sells two different software products that are sector focussed on Network and District Heating Systems and Utility Supply.

The company Prepago Platform Ltd is an approved Employment Incentive Initiative by the Irish Revenue Commissioners, and we are tax certified to work with Councils and Boroughs. We are members of the Smart Metering Hub in Ireland and associate members of the UKDEA.

Finally - we have a policy; we don't do bills. It's very liberating. You should try it.

We deliver the benefits of the Pay-as-you-go or prepay business model to the utility sector.
Using Software-As-A-Service we provide a system "out of the box" without any particular hardware solution or expensive billing engine add-on.

Aimed at the following sectors:

  • Utility; Water Power and Natural Gas
  • District and Network Heating

We deliver a powerful solution combining:

  • Cloud based Service
  • supplied to the consumer by a Mobile App
  • Smart Metering

The Utilities that adopt the Prepago system are able to enter in the prepay space with significantly fewer resources, and more rapidly than with any other partner.

This allows them to develop or enter new markets with zero credit risk from new customers, compared to a bill pay option. For their existing customers, the consumer experiences a positive change – no more bills – while being offered easier arrears management and multiple flexible debt management options and choices can introduced without delay.

The platform opens a new sales channel with clear differentiation that delivers time to implementation that is up-to 95% faster than other approaches.

Customers get a flexible tool that sits alongside existing systems; there is no need to change existing systems. We use a cloud based delivery system with multithreaded secure systems infrastructure. Relying on hardware validation and software enhanced access.

It is deployed with hardware and software security systems that make delivery certain and exact. A professional focussed system that is absolutely rigid and superior to data protection industry standards.

Prepago is designed to work seamlessly with your existing technical infrastructure. We use web services to deliver accounting elements, allowing seamless integration in to legacy software and hardware systems.

The use of web interfaces allows easier understanding of the system and browser technology ensures it is easily deployed to and is understandable by team members. It is fully compatible with all major I.T systems such as your enterprise and billing software.

The use of Smartphone app technology allows users to enter into all parts of the service speedily while the SMS support messaging option ensures that everyone – no matter their comfort zones with technology can participate fully.

Prepago allows Utilities to move to a new channel without adding new billing software. This cuts the cost of deployment as there is no need for upgrading hardware or significant additional training requirements.

The system uses app technology for the consumer so there is no additional in-home-displays or the requirement to support additional hardware, with full SMS support for the app it means that all levels of technical aptitude are catered to. There are no keys, cards or tokens required – there is significantly less customer support required.

As the platform sits outside the enterprise system it reduces training and changes for staff members involved.

An adult in their mid-thirties has had a mobile phone all their adult lives. Mobile phone users are very experienced with the Pay-as-you-go business model and the prepay format. A customer with a smart phone has a secure link into the Prepago system giving them fully up to date account access.

• As the account data on the phone is always up to date - there is no need for customers to call to check their account ensuringbetter customer service delivery.

• As there are no in-home-displays the system uses app technology in a meaningful way for the consumer to access their account.

• As there is a full SMS support for the app it means that the key information is available to customers of all technical abilities.

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